Interpreting Eschatology Using Patterns

Lately I have been reading Jeremiah, and parts of other books of the Bible. It’s been hard to decide what to write about, not to mention I’ve been so busy I can’t keep my head above water. In addition to being in survival mode, I have been looking at what’s going on in our nation and I am burdened by what I see all around me. My thoughts often turn to latter day prophecy and I sense that we are in the last days. We may be further along than we realize.

The way I’ve looked at eschatology in the past may need to change slightly. All of the end-time prophecy scholars look at things so differently than I do. I don’t intend to join their beliefs or be influenced by them. I know the pattern of Scripture and understand the need to stay within those boundaries. I’ve shared this in past posts. I’ve always looked at eschatology from a historical perspective but now things are beginning to come into view in a way I didn’t expect. The problem is that the teachings of these scholars still influence my thinking more than I’d like to admit. I’m extremely concerned those teachings are going to blind us to what’s happening right before our eyes. We’ve got to understand the concept of seeing patterns in Scripture.

Over the past few years, I’ve been learning more about patterns and how they work from personal experience. Ecclesiastes 1:9 is a very important verse for us to understand. It says, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” It’s the pattern (series of events) that is not new.

Things in life can follow a Biblical pattern, but obviously, the players are different. The players are present day people like us. They can be us, family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people in our communities, or anybody in our nation or the world. If you’ve ever thought that what was happening in your life reminded you of a particular Biblical account, you might have been living a pattern of Scripture. You might have to chart it out to be sure. Understand this: it’s the themes/events of the pattern that unfold before us.

Sometimes, opposition takes place as the pattern unfolds; in other words, the opposite of what we expect to happen (based on the Biblical pattern) takes place. This is a result of personal, freewill choices people make. Other times, it may be another unexpected person that causes the action of the pattern to move forward according to, or in opposition to the pattern.

Occasionally, a person can fulfill the role of one or more people in the original Biblical pattern. This can make the expected “unexpected.” Because of this, we can’t always accurately “prophesy” what will really happen in a given situation. We can project, but only to a point, and only thematically at that; we can’t always be specific.

Another difficulty with Scripture, especially as it pertains to Isaiah and Jeremiah, is how much of the text applies to the past and what, if anything applies to the future. It’s also hard to determine what in Scripture, is a type of what will happen in the future. It could be that a prophecy was fully fulfilled in the past; yet, it plays out again in the future, but not exactly as it was originally written due to the presence of opposition and/or shift in characters. We may see this happen in the last days, especially as it pertains to Daniel 11 which appears to have been fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes IV; yet, Yeshua alludes to a time of future fulfillment of the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24:15.  Another question is whether or not the kings of the north and south will be tied to their historical counterparts.  I’ve been of the opinion that they would; but, time will tell for sure.

Lately, I’ve seen evidence that some of the latter parts of Daniel 11 may be taking place. Since the world stage is so large, it’s hard to know if all the details have occurred or will occur shortly.

I do know that in order to properly interpret Revelation, we have to look to the past. We need to understand the patterns of the Scriptures and identify the symbols in Revelation based on the Tanach.

When we look at Revelation, we have to know who the beast, false prophet, and the harlot Babylon the Great are. I think I’m close. As I’ve said in the past, I think the beast is Islamic (based on the book of Daniel and Revelation) and that Babylon the Great is a false religious-economic-political system; I know that the beast intends to destroy Babylon the Great so they can’t be the same thing. Yet, there is some kind of relationship between the two because the harlot rides the beast, at least for a while.

I’m starting to see that these players are a bit more multifaceted than I originally believed. They have to be in order for the details of Revelation to take place. I still see Islamic eschatology playing a role in fulfilling Scriptural eschatology.

The teachings of scholars, movies, and fiction/non-fiction books concerning the identity of the beast, false prophet, and the harlot are clouding our vision! It’s causing us to expect one thing, when something else is probably going to take place. The scarlet beast is not a single man; it has seven heads. One of those heads will suffer a mortal head wound that will be healed. How can we interpret Revelation 13:3? Will it be like it’s described in books and movies? Do these incorrectly influence our judgment?

Obviously, one of the heads of the beast is going to die. I doubt this individual will be resurrected; but, anything is possible. More likely, the healing of this mortal wound will be in the form of him being replaced by a like-minded individual, and the nation he led will continue to function without him. This like-minded individual (new head) will carry on with the other heads of the scarlet beast in order to carry on the wickedness of the beast. I could be wrong, but I think the man who is going to die is alive and leading our country; I don’t think he will survive another year. He will probably be assassinated as Bible codes seem to indicate.  This is another area of interest I have been exploring.

As for the false prophet, I think he’s also a world leader that’s already in place. I might be wrong, but he could be the current pope (he’s “like a lamb”) who is involved in the religious-political side of things  and trying to connect with the beast. In the past, I’ve considered the pope to be related to the harlot, Babylon the Great.  One is a man, and the other is a system.  It will be interesting to watch this play out as our understanding of his lamb-like beliefs and behavior change for the worse before our eyes, and as he tries to convince the world to follow after the beast. I think that process is already beginning to unfold.

God’s people can watch world events, but need to realize that we can’t do anything about any of this. Prophecy will be fulfilled; it can’t be changed. In the meantime, it is imperative that we wake up and see our true spiritual condition for what it is. God’s people are in Babylon the Great and have been commanded to come out of her.

Babylon the Great is more than just a religious system. It’s economic and political too. I’m not sure how large the true geographical portion of it is at this point although I’m pretty sure America is a part of it. I tend to think we can’t physically come out of her; although Israel has opened its doors so that the Jews can leave where they are living and go there. Unfortunately, not everyone (specifically Gentile believers in Yeshua) has that option. For those who do go there, it won’t be safe there either.

I do know that we can’t support the various aspects of this religious-political-economic system known as the harlot and the mother of all harlots (Babylon the Great).


  • We can open our eyes to see the syncretism in Christianity.
  • Once we can see its pagan practices, we must stop engaging in its various forms of idolatry.
  • We must stop celebrating feasts that are pagan in historical origin and form, and start celebrating the feasts of YVHH.
  • We can obey God’s commandments, including the 7th day Sabbath; they are not too hard for us.
  • We don’t need to embrace the oral traditions of Judaism, but we can learn and obey God’s written commandments which are in the Bible, starting with the dietary laws and setting apart the Sabbath day to rest.
  • As we continue to learn previously overlooked commandments, we can incorporate those into our lives; this is a process.
  • We must realize that God intended one set of laws for both Jews and Gentiles; we must ignore those who teach us otherwise.


  • We can stop supporting politicians who stand in opposition to God’s commandments.
  • We can pray for them to pass righteous laws.
  • We can pray for them to make right decisions.
  • We can raise our voices and sign petitions for righteousness.


  • We can do our best to live within our means.
  • We can do our best to work and avoid/reduce dependence on government subsidies.
  • We can avoid materialism; have only what you need. You don’t need the latest and greatest of everything all the time.
  • Understand that the economy will fall and there’s nothing we can do about it.

As I previously mentioned, I have been reading Jeremiah. Leaving an idolatrous religious system is what Jeremiah preached. Idolatry can take on various forms. It can be organized religion; but people are engaged in the worship of other kinds of idols – such as idols of the entertainment industry (actors, actresses, singers, team sport players, etc.). People who are sacrificing their babies are offering them up to the god of selfishness; it’s not much different than Molech worship. Anything elevated over YHVH is an idol.

Are we going to abandon these idolatrous things with our whole hearts or only in pretense like the Jews did in Jeremiah’s day?

I strongly urge you — Turn to YHVH completely; thoroughly amend your heart and ways! YHVH wants to give us shepherds who will feed us with knowledge and understanding. This is not what the seeker friendly churches want to do; they often despise the studying the Word. They prefer hands on ministry projects. I’m not saying that ministry itself is bad; I’m saying we shouldn’t ignore digging into the Scriptures. We need to wash our hearts and lives with the water of the Word.

Circumcise the foreskin of your heart. Don’t let it be a heart of stone but one of flesh. Exercise righteous judgment in all circumstances. Don’t oppress strangers, orphans, and widows. Don’t steal or loot when the opportunity arises; exert some self-control. Stop committing adultery and/or sexual perversion.  Stop shedding innocent blood; don’t attack people for fun or participate in a race war. Do not bear false witness about anything.  Do not worship any god but YHVH; and do not worship YHVH using the same forms that unbelievers use to worship their gods.

I know that not everyone is going to do these things. Because of that and because of our unholy lifestyles and sinful choices, judgment is going to come. God is not just a god of love and grace; this has become a perverted teaching. YHVH is also a god of judgment. America was once a nation that followed after God the best way it knew how. Those days are long gone. People now follow after other gods or no god at all. People don’t care that YHVH is God.  They don’t realize there is no other real god besides Him. They don’t fear YHVH or the fact that His judgment is coming quickly.

If you are obeying God and trying to live righteously, pray that God will hide you and spare you from that judgment; pray for His provision in your life. This coming judgment will take the form of a devastating economic fall (Babylon is fallen, fallen), famine, and eventual atomic war in the near future. It’s only a matter of time.  Prepare your heart and mind for this.

Repent before it’s too late!

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